Work with Young Carers

Young Carers in Schools Programme

Our Young Carers in Schools programme, highlighted by Welsh Government as good practice, is currently funded by the Gwent Regional Partnership Board, Cardiff & Vale University Health Board and Monmouthshire Council. The Young Carers in Schools Programme aims to provide schools with the tools and resources to support young carers and reduce negative impacts, giving young carers the same access to education and future life chances as their peers. For more information click here

Cool to care

Young Carers Book

It’s Cool to Care -

Young Carers Game: My Double Life

The aim of the game is to raise awareness of young carers, their lives and the issues they face on a day-to-day basis. Throughout the game you will be asked questions and the answer you chose will reflect the next step. Think about what you would do in the situation when answering the questions. There are mini games embedded into the game too, you must finish these mini games to move on to the next step. The mini games contain words or feelings and thoughts from young carers. The game is also designed to identify young carers. At the end of the game, you may be asked some questions, please complete these.


Young Carers in schools’ program

Details:  Young carers in Schools Programme (YCiSP)

Our commitment to supporting young/young adult carers in education remains key and we have continued to invest in resources to make sure the relevant support is available. In particular, we have seen a changing climate for young carers balancing their caring roles, alongside coping with firstly school closures and managing online learning and then reopening of schools further exacerbated by outbreak quarantines. It has become ever more important that systems are in place to understand, inform, identify, support and listen to young carers. We have been raising awareness with school staff and students about young carers and the challenges they may face and Staff training is offered every 6-8 weeks virtually to schools in Gwent;

  • Elected member training has been offered for those supporting schools in Gwent;
  • Assembly videos and bilingual resources are available and shared with students and staff of all ages;
  • Information for Governors is provided to encourage a whole school approach to the needs of young carers;
  • Letters sent to families with information on how to access young carer services and carers assessments locally.

The Young Carers in schools programme delivered by the Care Collective

If you would like further information on the scheme please contact the Care Collective


Young Carers ID cards

Young carers ID card

Local Authorities across Gwent continue to develop/enhance their Young carers identification card scheme.

To assist young carers in accessing  suitable  support a Young Carers ID card scheme is being rolled out in stages across all Local Authority regions within Wales.

Whilst each card design will vary across counties, all ID cards across Wales will display this logo. 

Further information about the Young Carers Identification Card Scheme

If you are a young carer and would like an ID Card please contact your local authority Carers Team