Learning Disability Engagement Event / Digwyddiad ymgymryd a nam dysgu - 21/06/2024


Have your voice heard! 

This event is dedicated to people with learning disabilities and is your chance to share your vieqs on what matters most to you.

Come along to have your opinions and experiences heard and help shape your future - family members and carers are welcome to. 


Join us on 21st June 2024 from 10am - 1pm 

Pontypool Civic Centre, NP4 6YB

Refreshments provided 


for more information or to confirm your attendance, please email debra.hammett@wales.nhs.uk .


Cewch lesio eich barn!

Tmae'r digwyddiad hwn yn ymrodedig i bobl gyda nam dysgu ac mae'n gyfle i chi rannu eich barn am beth sy'n bwysig i chi

Dwech ymlaen i gwech eich barn a'ch profiedigaethau yn cael eu clywed, ac i  helpu llywio eich dyfodol 

Mae croeso i aelodau'r teulu a gofalwyr hefyd 


Ymgymghymel a ni ar 21ain Mehefin 2024 rhwng 10am - 1pm 

Canolfan Ddinesig Pont-y-pwl, NP4 6YB

Darperir Lluniaethau


Am fwy o wybodaeth neu i gadarnhau eich presenoldeb, afonwch e-bost at debra.hammett@wales.nhs.uk