Carers who need support

Carers who need support


The priority outcomes identified through engagement with citizens, partners and use of the prioritisation matrix and subsequently confirmed through consultation are:

  1. Support carers to care through flexible respite, access to accurate information, peer to peer support and effective care planning.
  2. Improve well-being of young carers & young adult carers through an increased public understanding.




All local authority areas across the Gwent region are predicted to see an increase in the number. The predicted increases range from 35.6% in Blaenau Gwent to 58.9% in Monmouthshire over the period.






The number of young carers known to Social Services during the year 2015-16 ranged from 17 in Blaenau Gwent to 51 in Newport.




I can help other people in my position and tell them what works and where to get help.

Young Carer, Youth Forum Member

Summary and what we will deliver through the joint Area Plan:

  • Coordination of consistent community based services such as community connectors/social prescribers to identify and support carers.
  • Review of medical prompting to better support carers.
  • Accurate Information, Advice and Assistance through DEWIS and Five Ways to Well-being.
  • Review of and align third sector commissioning principles to support befriending for carers requiring support
  • Ensure that the implementation of the ‘Care Closer to Home’ strategy increases the community level support for carers
  • Consistent commissioning across health and social care to ensure equitable, region wide and effective models of carer support, including flexible respite.