Sensory Impairment

Sensory Impairment


The priority outcomes identified through engagement with citizens, partners and use of the prioritisation matrix and subsequently confirmed through consultation are:

  1. Ensure people are supported through access to accurate information, assistance and ‘rehabilitation’ where required.
  2. Improve emotional well-being especially through peer to peer support.



All the local authority areas in the Gwent region experienced a decrease.  Monmouthshire experienced an increase of 14.1% in the number over the period, from 241 at 31 March 2011 to 273 at 31 March 2015 but has seen a general decrease since.


I felt so much better for talking to another person who has gone through the same problems as me.

Member of Sight Loss Support Group

Summary and what we will deliver through the joint Area Plan:

  • Use good practice and effective pathways to develop regional commissioning principle.
  • Ensure accurate, accessible and timely Information, Advice and Assistance through DEWIS and other means.
  • Work in partnership with third sector to identify new models to support rehabilitation process and supply of low vision tools.