All Wales Dementia Care Pathway of Standards


As part of the Dementia Care Programme of work, directed by the requirements of the Dementia Action Plan for Wales; Improvement Cymru have been scoping the standards for dementia care with people living with dementia, carers, and partners from across Wales. From this engagement 20 standards have been narrowed down from over 100, detailing what people believe will make a positive difference to dementia care.

Dementia Friendly Communities plays a huge part in this work as the standards are person centered, take a proactive approach to address needs, and help people from all communities to engage and get the support they need. We also have some great community support initiatives across Gwent, that support people pre diagnosis and post diagnosis alongside carer and family support and are working hard to raise awareness and understanding across the region.

The All-Wales Dementia Care Pathway of Standards supports the Dementia Action Plan and focus on a set of interventions determined to improve dementia care and shape the future of our action plan for the next 5 years and beyond.

This work is being taken forward by the Gwent Dementia Board, with Dementia Friendly Communities playing an active part in our regional community engagement and subgroups allocated in readiness, to implement the standards in April 2023.